Cardiopulmonary/ Cerebral Resuscitation - Respiratory Arrest - Special Management Issues

4 important questions on Cardiopulmonary/ Cerebral Resuscitation - Respiratory Arrest - Special Management Issues

In the case of a cardiac arrest in an intubated patient, what must be suspected?

Complication related to ventilation, expecially if th e intitail cardiac rhythm is bradycardia or asystolie.

What steps should be taken in the case of a cardiac arrest in an intubated patient?

Disconnect patient from ventilator
start manual ventilation with Fi02 100%
High resistance airflow: check tube for kink, pass suction cathter for sputumplug/secretions.  Check tube placement with Co2 monitroing. DDx tension pneumothorax.

What should be known of tension pneumothorax?

they typically have hypotension or PEA with narrow complex tachycardia,
Verhoogde veneuze druk, ipsilateral geen of verminderde longgeluid/ subcutenous emfyseem.
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Tube placement should be verified by?

physical assessment

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