Recognition and Assesment of the Seriously Ill Patient - Initial Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient

8 important questions on Recognition and Assesment of the Seriously Ill Patient - Initial Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient

What do you need to know from monitoring in the primary survey?

Essential physiology, vital signs
  • Heart rate, rhythm
  • Blood pressure
  • Respiratory rate and pulse oximetryLevel of consciousness

What do you need to know from the investigations in the primary survey?

  • ABG
  • Glucose

What are the first steps in treatment during the primary survey?

  • Adequate airway and oxygen
  • IV access (and fluids)
  • HELP
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What is the downside of emergency admission regarding the history?

Limited information

Framework for assessing in the acutley IIII or injured patient

Examination: ABCDE
Chart review : vitals
Investigation:  ABG, Blood glucose
Treatment: oxygen, fluids

What warrants a repetition of the primary survey?

  • Ongoing deterioration
  • New symptoms

What must be done during the primary survey in D?

  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Initial assessment of CNS and limb movement
  • Pupil size and reaction

What is the most important additional investigation in the primary survey?

Arterial blood gas. It provides information about the blood pH, arterial oxygen saturation and arterial carbon dioxide tension. Lactate, glucose, electrolytes and renal function (?) can be obtained from the same blood sample.

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