Initial Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient - Examination - Circulation

9 important questions on Initial Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient - Examination - Circulation

What can cause a weak peripheral pulse?

Hypovolemia and low CO.

What causes a pulsus deficiens?

A ventricular premature beat is often immediately followed by a pause, and the subsequent beat often has a larger pulse volume.

What is a pulsus paradoxus and what can be the cause? (5)

It is a weakening or disappearance of the pulse with deep inspiration.
It can occur with deep hypovolemia, constrictive pericarditis, cardiac tamponade, asthma and COPD.
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What can you observe during inspection in C?

  • Increased CVP
  • Reduced peripheral perfusion (pallor)
  • Hemorrhage (obvious or concealed)
  • Clubbed fingernails
  • Splinter hemorrhages
  • Altered lever of consciousness
  • Decreased urine output

What must be noted in the palpitation of the abdomen?

  • Abdominal tenderness
  • Palpable masses
  • Organ megaly
  • Rigidity, distension, "prikkelbaar"

If possible: flanks and back

What must be considered in all women of childbearing age?

(Ectopic) pregnancy

What must be noted in the physical examination in C?

  • Precordial cardiac pulsation
  • Central and peripheral pulses (rate, quality, regularity, symmetry)
  • Cool extremities

What can cause precordial pulsations?

  • LVH
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cardiac enlargement
  • Severe mitral regurgitation
  • Severe aortic regurgitation

What causes circulatory inadequacy?

Primary: directly involving the heart: ischemia, arrhythmias, valvular disorders, cardiomyopathy, pericardial tamponade,
Secondary: drugsy, hypoxia, electrolyte disturbances, dehydration, sepsis, anemia

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