Airway Management - Endotracheal Intubation

3 important questions on Airway Management - Endotracheal Intubation

What are indications for tracheal intubation? (8)

  • Airway protection
  • Relief of obstruction
  • Provision of mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy
  • Respiratory failure
  • Shock
  • Hyperventilation for intracranial hypertension
  • Reduction of the work of breathing
  • Facilitation of suctioning/pulmonary toilet

Charasterics that cause difficulty with mask ventilation

Head position, mouth openings, displaceomnet of tongue and jaw, visualization and insertaion of tube.

Neck mobility, external face, mouth (mallampati score I tm IV) , tongue and pharynx, Jaw ( thyromental distance ( aThyroid cartilage to mandbile (CHIN) 6 cm is good, less is bad.

What can excessive use of benzocaine topical sprays cause?

Methemoglobinemia: when methemoglobin concentration is elevated in red blood cells, tissue hypoxia may occur.

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