Airway Management - Manual Methods to Establish an Airway

5 important questions on Airway Management - Manual Methods to Establish an Airway

Manual method of establishing an open airway when there is no risk of cervical spine injury

Triple airway maneuver
  • Slight neck extension
  • Elevation of the mandible (jaw thrust)
  • Opening of the mouth

What does the Mayo tube prevent?

Airway obstruction by the patient's tongue. The plastic rim should rest against the outer surface of the teeth, while the distal end curves around the base of the tongue. Thus it holds the base of the tongue forward towards the teeth and away from the glottic opening.

What is the risk when a Mayo tube has the wrong size?

Too small: it can push the tongue back over the glottic opening.
Too large: it can stimulate gagging and emesis.
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What is a requirement in the patient when placing a Mayo tube?

No intact airway reflexes.

It can provoke gagging, laryngospasm and emesis.

What is a contraindication for placing a nasopharyngeal tube?

  • Schedelbasisfractuur
  • Coagulopathy

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