Airway Management - Manual Mask Ventilation

4 important questions on Airway Management - Manual Mask Ventilation

Manual assisted ventilation by means of a bag-mask is indicated when.. (3)

  • Apnea
  • Inadequate spontaneous tidal volumes (physical examination or ABG)
  • Reduce the work of spontaneous breathing by assisting

Successful manual mask ventilation depends upon? (3)

  • Maintaining an open airway
  • Establishing a seal between the patient's face and the mask
  • Delivering an adequate minute ventilation from the bag to the distal lung units

What is the total gas volume within most adult resuscitation bags?

1 - 1.5 liters
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What happens when pressure is put on cricoid?

The Sellick maneuver is the application of downward pressure on the cricoid cartilage.
  • It occludes the esophagus
  • It can decrease the risk of aspiration

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