Mechanical Ventilation

17 important questions on Mechanical Ventilation

What are indication for NPPV?

ventilation abnormalities: respiratoryy muscle dysfunction, decreased ventilatory drive, increased airway resistance
Oxygenation abnormaltiteis: refractory hpoxemia, need for PEEP
work of breathing alternations: need for decreased work of breathing: shock, severe acidosis, respiratory muscle fatigue.
need for sedation
use of hyperventilation to reduce ICP

Who is a good candidate for NPPV

  • Good candidates for NPPV include patients with respiratory distress (including tachypnea or dyspnea), hypercarbia, or hypoxia who are able to protect the airway, tolerate the mask, manage secretions, and are hemodynamically stable.
  • NPPV has been shown to be beneficial in moderate to severe COPD with hypercarbia and respiratory acidosis, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients, and can be used as a bridge after extubation in COPD patients.

What are indications for NPPV?

Resp rate>30
Pa02 45-50 <
paco2 >45-50
pH.  < 7.32
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Contra indications for NPPV

cardiac or resp arrect
hemodynamic instability
patients who is unable to cooperate
myocardial ischemia or arrhythmias
inability to protect the airway
high risk for aspiration
severe hypoxemia s
severey encephalopathy
active upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage

What is the maximum inspiratory pressure ?

20 cm h20 in order to prevent gastric distension.

What are important question to ask in the consideration of switching NPPV to invasive?

failure of airway maintenance ? ( secretions ? )
Oxygenation, ventilation, work of breathing OK?
Illness is anticipated to progress or ..?

What affects the Pao2?

Fi02, PEEP, mean airway pressure

What affects the PaCO2?

Va = Vt - Vd x freq

What are the goals of ventilation in COPD and ARDS

Reduce risk of hyperinflation ( expiration not long enough )
ventilator associated lung injury

What are the adverse effects of high (auto)peep?

reduced venous return to the heart --> hypotension and higher PaCo2, altered oxygenation

How can you reduce autopeep?

Slower the Resp rate --> more time for expiration
Decrease Vt
change the waveform ( decelerating to constant ) for a faster inspiration.

What happens in prolonged exposure to high levels of inspired oxygen?

Damage to lungparenchyma

Mechanical intubation is a risk factor for?

Venous tromboembolism
gastric stress ulceration
nosocomial pneumonia

What are mechanical goals in ARDS

Pa02:  55 - 80
pplat: <30 cm
VtL 4-6 ML / kg
pH: > 7.15 is acceptable

What are the initiate settings in ARDS?

Vt 8 ML --> decrese by 1 ml / kg over the next 4 hours untils Vt of 4-6 ml/kg is reached.
if Pplat is >30 cm, decresy Vt by 1 until Vt 4 ml/kg is reached, pH 7.15 is acceptable.
Pplat can be 25 cm, if not and Vt < 6 ml / kg you are allowed to increase until one of the variables reached its goal ( max)

How initiate with peep in ARDs

start at 5 cm h20 Peep. Titrate up in increments of 2-3 cm H20.

What might be helpful to improve the V/q in asymmetric lung disease?

Putting the less involved lung in the gravitationally dependent ( decubites ) position.

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