Funding - equity

10 important questions on Funding - equity

In exchange for running a business risk, the entrepreneur receives a predetermined compensation


The guarantee function of the equity entails that liability providers can be sure that the business will meet its payment obligations.


The equity of a business without legal entity decreases by paying taxes over the made profit.

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A private withdrawal has a negative effect on the equity of a business without legal entity.


In a partnership, changes in the equity will be settled per partner as a separate item on the balance sheet.


The issued share capital is the difference between the social share capital and the share capital still to be deposited.


Having retained earnings has several advantages for a company:

  • In years with less or no profit, dividend can still be paid at the expense of the reserve (dividend stabilisation).
  • It is cheaper compared to other ways of financing, because capital providers demand a compensation for making their capital available and because that often entails extra costs, such as offering costs and administrative costs.
  • By financing assets with retained earnings instead of a share offering, a decrease in the profit per share, and therefore the stock value, is prevented..
  • The growth of equity is more gradual than in case of a share issuing.

An increase of the value of a fixed asset leads to an increase of equity if a business values the asset based on the replacement value.


The revaluation reserve can be used to pay extra dividend to shareholders.


A share premium reserve arises when the net asset value of the shares is higher than the face value.


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