Funding - Multiple choice questions

16 important questions on Funding - Multiple choice questions

To what part of economics does business economics belong?


What is the eventual goal of organisations, from a financial-economic perspective?


Which of the groups below can be stakeholders of an organisation?

tax authority
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Aedt and Stef have started a general partnership together. Aedt has contributed twice as much equity as Stef during the founding. Recently, Stef has ordered computer devices for the partnership for a significant amount. To whose private capital can the supplier lay claim for repayment of the debt if it turns out the partnership cannot pay the bill?

Both partners for the entire amount

What do a silent partner and a managing partner have in common?

Both partners are owner of the business

Harry and William have founded a private company together; Harry as limited partner, William as managing partner. Harry has contributed € 150,000, William € 200,000. The debt of the silent partner amounts to € 400,000. For which amounts are the partners liable?

Harry for € 150,000 and William for € 400,000

Which of the statements below describes an advantage of a private company compared to a sole proprietorship?

A private company can attract new capital more easily.

Which of the taxes below influences the net profit of a private company? Multiple answers possible.

Payroll tax
corporate tax

What is/are the similarity(ies) between a private company and a public limited company? Multiple answers possible.

Corporate tax must be paid
founding requires a notarial deed

A difference between a private loan and a bond loan is that the first is not marketable.


In principle, the market value of a bond loan is higher than the face value when the market interest is higher than the coupon rate.


In zero and discount bonds, the redemption amount is lower than the offered amount.


In operational lease, the lessee becomes the legal owner of the leased object after the agreed-upon duration


Creditors can be viewed as financiers of goods.


The item accounts receivable (or debtors) is a form of buyer's credit.


Fixed assets can (partly) be financed with current liabilities.


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