Ratio - Edubook - Solvency ratio

8 important questions on Ratio - Edubook - Solvency ratio

What shows the solvency ratio?

Solvency ratios show whether a business is able to redeem all its debts if the company were to cease to exist. A company can be discontinued either voluntarily or forced (in case of bankruptcy).

Formula of 'interest coverage ratio'

Interest coverage ratio = (operating result)/(interest expenses)

The solvency of a business is particularly important for providers of equity.

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By calculating the solvency, debt providers gain an idea of the buffer a business has in case of liquidation.


The solvency ratios are calculated based on the liquidation value of the assets.


For debt providers, the higher the debt ratio, the better.


The interest coverage ratio should at least be 1 to be able to pay the interest expenses from the achieved profit.


The guaranteed capital is an important indicator for debt providers.


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