Traditional Banking

11 important questions on Traditional Banking

What drives the change in the banks equity value when market yields change?

  • The size of the shock
  • The amount of leverage the bank uses
  • The mismatch between the duration of the bank's assets and liabilities

How does a bank alter the durations of its assets and liabilities?

  • On-balance sheet: issue new types of loans and/or liabilities, change capital structure
  • Off-balance sheet: repurchase agreements, futures, options, swaps

Define liquidity risk to a bank and a borrower:

  • Bank: risk that depositors may unexpectedly withdraw their deposits and the bank may be unable to replace them without impairing its net worth
  • Borrower: risk that the lender may choose not to renew loan that the borrower wants to have renew
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What are the key sources of liquidity problems?

Information asymmetries about asset quality (loan quality, i.e. default probability) creates liquidity risk. Even if the banks balance sheet is completely matched, default risk can lead to liquidity risk due to asymmetric informantion

How has the composition of a commercial bank loan changed?

Commercial and Industrial loans (C&I loans) have declined in relative importance as banks have increased mortgage holdings.

What is the definition of lending? and how do banks produce loans?

Lending is the purchase of an asset (the borrowers indebtedness) that is typically illiquid and highly customised financial claim against the borrowers future cash  flows

  1. Spot market purchases
  • originate loans and then fund them by keeping them on their own books
  • Purchase loans originated by other intermediaries
  1. forward market purchases
  • loan commitment: a promise to lend in the future on pre-specified terms.

Why are loans and securities quite similar nowadays?

securities used to be more liquid because they were traded in a secondary market. The information asymmetry regarding loans was stronger.
Today, loan sales, securitisation and loan syndication have created a secondary market for loans, increasing their liquidity. Thus the distinction became fuzzier

Decompose the lending function into 5 parts:

  1. Origination (application, credit analysis, loan design)
  2. Funding (loan extension)
  3. Servicing (Bookkeeping, collection payments)
  4. Risk processing (monitoring, diversification)
  5. Credit culture (organisational design, reporting, communication)

How is a loan agreement structured?

  • Specifies the obligations of borrower and lender
  • Makes certain warranties
  • Places controls and restrictions on the borrower

- Principal
- maturity
- Pricing formula (fixed/floating, fee, ect.)
- Provisions (warranties, covenants, ect)

Explain credit rationing. Why is credit rationing a puzzling practice?

Credit rationing is the situation in which a lender refuses to extend credit to a borrower, at the price posted by the lender for that borrower class. So not that the borrower refuses to except the price because it its unfair. This is puzzling for two reasons:
  • there is unsatisfied demand for credit at the price posted by the bank
  • It seems irrational for profit-maxizing banks to ration credit

What are the remedies against credit rationing?

  1. Screening / Credit analyses
  2. Monitoring
  3. Dynamics: Long term relationships help solve the asymmetric information  problem. Reputation: When a borrower knows it needs to borrow in the future may limit actions. Relationship lending. The bank learns about the borrower quality in time. Information sharing: Lenders can improve information about borrower through information sharing (Trough credit bureaus who collect info)
  4. Contract design:
  • Collarteral: allows to mitigate both problems
  • Capital: positive down-payment by the entrepreneur (inside equity) as a condition to provide credit
  • Staged funding: credit provided at different points in time, depending on the performance of the project.

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