Organization and responsibilities - Crew Health

6 important questions on Organization and responsibilities - Crew Health

Name regulations regarding immunisation (inenting )

Medical advise must be obtained regarding the period to be observed before returning to flight duties following immunisation.

Name regulations regarding medical procedures (such as surgery)

Aero medical advice should be obtained prior to returning to flying duties following any sergical procedure.

Name regulations regarding a general or spinal anaesthetic

Cabin crew must observe a minimum of 48 hours following a treatment
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Is it allowed to continue flying duties while pregnant?

No, pregnancy must be reported to HR and the cabin crew manager asap.
Besides this a copy of medical confirmation (from a doctor or midwife) of the pregnancy stating the expected date of confinement (bevalling) must be sent to KLC HR


In the AED

Where do you find the directions for first aid and signs and symptoms of some frequent diseases

In the first Aid kit

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