Abnormal emergency procedures - Time available for preparations

5 important questions on Abnormal emergency procedures - Time available for preparations

Passenger seating optimise, what does this mean?

The senior CA selects assisting passengers as required and reseats them if necessary:

oLess agile passengers must be seated near a door, but not on exit rows
oAn able bodied adult must be seated next to the less agile passenger
oIf possible, reseat passengers to aisle seats, but away from hazard zone

You read in your preparation checklist INFANT SECURE, what does this mean?

That the infant is kept on the lap and that it's secured ( that the belt is properly fastened, with the loop at the flat side). And if applicable the infant and mother are switched seat closer to an emergency exit.

What information gives the cockpit to the SCA in case of an emergency?

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Who will initially make an announcement to the passengers?

The commander, however the commander may delegate this to the SCA

In case of instructing passengers, where does the ca (doing the demo) stand?

In the front of the cabin

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