Abnormal emergency procedures - Cabin crew incapacitation

6 important questions on Abnormal emergency procedures - Cabin crew incapacitation

What is the seating advice for the active CA in case of cabin crew incapacitation?

FWD CA seat

What is the seating advice for he incapacitated CA on the Embraer?

oA vacant passenger seat preferably in the aft part of the aircraft
oIn case of a full aircraft, place CA on floor in front of first seat row, with head towards the fuselage
oAssign and instruct buddy

How do you secure a pilot in his seat?

1.Pull incapacitated pilot upright
2.Remove headset
3.Fasten the shoulder harness
4.Secure the pilots hands inside the shoulder harness
5.Lock the shoulder harness with the shoulder harness lock
6.Pull horizontal adjustment lever and pull seat fully aft
7.Pull pilot's feet away from pedals
8.Supply first aid oxygen if required
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How do you remove a pilot from his seat?

1.Remove headset
2.Pull horizontal adjustment lever and pull seat fully aft
3.Pull pilot's feet away from pedals
4.Recline seat back
5.Lift armrest
6.Release shoulder harness and seat belt by turning the buckle in any direction
7.Use route transport hold
8.Prevent: the legs from moving the steering column
9.Prevent: touching the pedestal

What must be aware of when moving the pilot's legs in case of crew incapacitation?

Preventing his legs won't touch the pedestal or the steering column

When a CA becomes incapacitated, what must the remaining CA do?

  • Make sure the CA is safe and comfortable
  • Apply first aid as required
  • If the incapacitated CA is to be moved, use the rautek transport hold
  • All actions in concert with cockpit crew

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