Summary: Follow Up Engels Idioom 4/5 H | 9789042536517 | P J van der Voort
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Read the summary and the most important questions on Follow Up Engels idioom 4/5 H | 9789042536517 | P.J. van der Voort.
1 1 Education (1)
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Opleiden : he was ....... at cambridge university.
to educate
scholenemeenschap: a ......... is a combination of schools
gymnasium: at a ........ you also learn latin and greek
grammar school
kostschool: she is at a ....... because her parents live in Italy
boarding school
vak: my favourite ..... are english and history
vernieuwen: there are plans to ..... the school system
to innovate
vernieuwing: not all ..... in education produce better results
vernieuwend: the school introduced ...... teaching methods
afstuderen: she .... from oxford university
to graduate
afgestudeerde: .......... of this university easily get a job
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding