Food production - Menu planning

4 important questions on Food production - Menu planning

Policy to determine the methods the operation will take to

1. Establishing the essential and social needs of the customer.
2. Accurately predicting what the customer is likely to buy and how much her/she is going to spend.
3. Ensuring a means of communication with customers
4. Purchasing and preparing raw materials to present standards in accordance with purchasing specifications and forecasted demand.
5. Portion and cost the product in order to keep within company profitability objectives.
6. Effectively control the complete operation from purchase to service on the plate.

The gastronomy of any location is the result of a complex interplay between what 2 key things?

1. Gastro-geography
2. Gastro-history

What are the key influences affecting customer demand:

1. The relationship between health and eating
2. Dietary requirements
3. Cultural and religious influences
4. Vegetarianism
5. Prominent chefs and media
6. Trends, fads and fashions
7. Ethical influences
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What are benefits for food service business for using more seasonal and locally products?

1. Improved menu planning, as suppliers can give information in advance on what they are able to provide.
2. More reliable products and service, with greater flexibility to respond to customer needs.
3. Increased marketing opportunities through making a feature of using locally sourced food and beverage items and through special promotions related to local seasons and food and beverage specialities.
4. Support for training or staff from local suppliers.

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