Concept Development - Idea evaluation

3 important questions on Concept Development - Idea evaluation

What are methods of generating ideas?

Management and staff brainstorming, asking customers, with the focus for these approaches always being clearly on establishing customers' needs, want and demands.

How can food and beverage operators benefit?

1. F&b operators can benefit by formalising the idea generation process
2. Giving their employees information about segmentation variables. This would lead to a continuous flow of good new ideas to meet customers needs.

What is an example idea-screening process? (6 questions)

1. Does the idea meet consumers' needs?
2. Is the group of consumers with these needs large enough to make the idea worthwhile?
3. Does the f&b operator or potential operator have the necessary resources available to deliver the idea?
4. Will the idea generate customer satisfaction?
5. Will the idea generate a benefit to the operation, economically, managerially and socially?
6. Is the idea different from the competition?

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