Concept Development - Setting goals and objectives

11 important questions on Concept Development - Setting goals and objectives

What is the benefit of developing and understanding of the business environment?

It leads to greater confidence in determining appropriate goals and objectives for a food service organisation. This is important as the setting of goals and objectives will play a crucial role in the determination of the direction of a particular food service organisation and its likely success.

Why is it important to have goals and objectives?

Having goals and objectives is important, as the old adage (gezegde) says: if you have no idea of where you are going then you won't know if you are ever going to get there.

The orientation of organisational objectives can be classified under 3 broad heading. What are the 3 headings?

1. Economic
2. Managerial
3. Social responsibility
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What are economic objectives?

Economic objectives assume that the sole purpose of an organisation is to maximise profit for its owners. This approach tends to be predominant (overheersend) where the food service operation is owner-managed and provides a singel product, or a limited range of products, under near perfect market conditions.

What is a unitary perspective?

That is, where everyone within the organisation shares the same objectives.

What are problems when objectives are purely based in the economic theory of the firm?

1. It can be difficult to define exactly what is meant by profit maximisation. (profit margin, in absolute terms, or profit expressed as return om capital employed).
2. The time-scale needs to be determined over which this to be achieved; short-term profits, one, two, three years, or longer period.

Give 4 examples of desirable objectives of a manager.

1. Maximise revenue through a high market share, thereby increasing their own prestige in their industry.
2. Increase the assets of the organisation, thereby increasing their own power and personal reward.
3. Empire-build inside the organisation, again increasing their own status, salary and associated perks.
4. Increase the technical sophistication and complexity of the organisation, thereby achieving growth, increasing managerial independence and providing fresh challenges.

What is meant with the complexities of organisational life?

Managers are often faced with conflicting objectives. These may arise from their personal objectives, those of the owner, customers, suppliers, different groups of employees, the government , and other stakeholders.

What are social responsibility objectives?

Such objectives stress the ethical aspects of a food service organisation's objective.

Give 5 examples of objectives that relate to social responsibility objectives.

1. Safety of products
2. Working conditions for staff
3. Equal opportunities
4. Fairtrade
5. Sustainability of the business

Why is it good for business to have a code of business and social ethics? (2 reasons)

1. Businesses will only seek to trade with other business that have clear social responsibility policies.
2. For many public, charitable and voluntary sector organisations, the entire raison d' être (doel) is allied to particular social and/or ethical objectives,

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