Food and beverage operations and management - Key influences on the food service industry

4 important questions on Food and beverage operations and management - Key influences on the food service industry

What are the responsibility of a f&b manager?

For the operation, dealing with staff, reviewing financial performance, monitoring quality standards, overcoming obstacles and fine tuning the operation and changes in approaches to service delivery. In addition the manager has to monitor and respond to changes in the industry.

What are the key influence affecting the hospitality industry?

PESTLE Model. Political, Economic, Socio/cultural, Technological, Legal, Ecological.

What does PESTLE lead too?

Applying the PESTLE framework leads to the identification of possible influences and the interrelated trends within the food service industry.
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What are the 3 dangers of sterility in using a formal approach to PESTLE analysis?

1. Data overload
2. Failure to try assess the potential impact of an environmental change, however unlikely it may initially seem.
3. Failure to recognise the combined impact of a number of influences.

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