Concept Development - Market segmentation

12 important questions on Concept Development - Market segmentation

What are market segments?

Identification of consumers' needs, wants, demands, goals and values as they relate to food and beverage products.

What are the 4 sets of criteria to identify the needs, wants and demands of a possible market groupings?

1. Geographic segmentation
2. Demographic segmentation
3. Psychographic segmentation
4. Behavioural segmentation

What is demographic segmentation?

Dividing the market into groups using such as variables as age, gender, stage in the family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality.
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What is social class?

Social class exists in all areas of our society with various individuals forming into sets whose patterns of behaviour and attitude vary widely.

For what is personality segmentation used?

Personality segmentation is used to develop beverage products such as beers.

What can you do to attract frist-time buyers?

Identifying the usage rate enables the identification of the needs, wants and demands of that segment, and will contribute to product design.

What are 2 behavioural variables that applies to food and beverage products?

1. First-time buyers
2. Loyalty

(5) What other segmentation categorised are used by large companies?

1. Empty nest career ladies
2. Comfortable retired couples
3. Stretched single mums
4. Career focused females/males
5. Competitive male urbanites

What are the most identified recent groupings from an approach based on characteristics of generations? (5)

1. Baby boomers
2. Generation X: the generation after the Baby Boomers.
3. Millennials: (Generation Y)
4. Generation Z
5. Snowflakes:

What is an increasing trend in unity in common causes?

1. Environmental concerns
2. Humanitarianism
3. Animal welfare

What is done after the target segment is decided?

Once a target segment has, or segments have, been decided this will drive how the company will create its product, price, promotion and distribution to fit the customer.

What does a business want to achieve with a target segment?

1. Customer satisfaction
2. Organisational efficiency and effectiveness
3. Profitability

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