Variation in protein ingredients - Consequences of variation in protein ingredients on functionality

5 important questions on Variation in protein ingredients - Consequences of variation in protein ingredients on functionality

Which techno-functional properties can vary in whey protein concentrates?

  • Nitrogen solubility index (%)
  • Gel strength
  • Foam overrun (%)
  • Emulsion droplet size (um)
  • Viscosity

Which molecular properties can vary in whey protein concentrates?

  • Protein content (%)
  • Denatured beta-lactoglobulin (%)
  • Lactosylated beta-lactoglobulin (%)
  • Protein composition

What is the relation between gel hardness and protein concentration?

The increase of gel hardness with protein concentration will be quadratic
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Which 3 things can effect the foam/emulsion formation and stability?

  • Electrostatic interactions (pH/ionic strength)
  • Hydrophobicity (denaturation/chemical modification)
  • Powder properties (non-dissolved particles)

Which 3 things can effect the gelation?

  • Proteins vs. Polysaccharides
  • Gelatin gels
  • Gels of globular proteins, effect of:
    • Electrostatic interactions (pH/ionic strength)
    • Hydrolysis

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