Main concept: Interactions between proteins

5 important questions on Main concept: Interactions between proteins

How are the charge, distance and interaction potential related?

A lower charge, gives a shorter distance between particles (less repulsive energy). Decreasing the charge, decreases the interaction potential, when the distance increases.

How are the NaCl, distance and interaction potential related?

Increasing the NaCl, decreases the interaction potential (not at the wall, there all the same) when the distance increases.

Why should you re-measure the pH after dissolving a protein in water?

Because the protein has its own basic and acidic groups, that will act as a buffer.
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What is the Stern layer?

The layer of ions that is quite tightly bound to the protein surface. The thickness is the radius of the counter ions. The Stern potential is always slightly lower than the surface potential.

Order from low to high: Stern potential, Zeta potential, Surface potential

Zeta potential, Stern potential, Surface potential

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