Variation in protein ingredients - Sources of variation in protein ingredients

7 important questions on Variation in protein ingredients - Sources of variation in protein ingredients

By what is the protein composition (which types of protein) of the protein ingredient influenced?

By the isolation process used.

What are possible sources of variation in final functional properties of protein ingredients?

  • Source: Plant/animal
  • Isolation: Purity/composition
  • Modification: Maillard/hydrolysis
  • Heating/processing: Unfolding/Aggregation
  • Powder properties: Particle size/wettability/colour/dispersability/solubility
  • Molecular properties: Solubility (pH/I), heat stability

What kind of difference(s) in proteins does the isolation give?

  • Protein content: ratio between the amount of protein and all other compounds
  • Protein composition
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What kind of difference(s) in proteins does the modification give?

The state at which the protein is in the sample can be different by physical, chemical or enzymatic reactions

What kind of difference(s) in proteins does the heating give?

Unfolding/aggregation. Which proteins and in which state (proteins and non-proteins) will be present in final powder.

What kind of difference(s) in proteins do the powder properties give?

Powder properties are size, shape, pore size/structure, gettability. The pore size/structure and gettability of the powder will determine the extent to which the particles will dissolve when mixed with water. Functionality may be influenced by the presence of non-dissolved powder particles.

By what kind of variation is the structure/state of a protein influenced?

Modification and heating

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