Hygiene and control

11 important questions on Hygiene and control

Codex Alimentarius definition of cleaning?

The removal of soil, food residue, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter.

Effects of food residues?

  • Source of nutrients for micro-organisms
  • Physical protection for micro-organisms
  • Diminished effect of disinfectants
  • Decreased performance

Selection of cleaning compound?

  • Mineral salts = +/- soluble, +/- removable, +/- removable after heating = acid
  • Protein =  - soluble, -- removable, - removable after heating (denaturation) = chlorinated or alkaline
  • Fat/oil =  - soluble, - removable, - removable after heating (polymerisation) = alkaline
  • Carbohydrate =  + soluble, + removable, - removable after heating (caramelisation) = alkaline
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Chemical forces in cleaning?

  • Water: water soluble compounds
  • Alkali: stainless steel, rubber, synthetic materials
  • Detergents: water insoluble compounds
  • Sequestering agents: keep salts in solution/prevent deposits
  • Oxidisers: degrade proteins
  • Corrosion protectants
  • Protective colloids: set viscosity

Codex Alimentarius definition of food handling?

Any operation in the growing and harvesting, preparation, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution and sale of food.

Codex Alimentarius definition of food hygiene?

All conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of food at all stages of the food chain.

Improvement of food safety?

  1. General principles of food hygiene
  2. Food-related hygienic requirements
  3. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system
  4. ISO, Total Quality Management (TQM), etc.

Microbiological examination of foods for food safety?

  1. Detection = determine presence of target organism
  2. Isolation = isolate target organism from matrix
  3. Identification = determine identity of target organism
  4. Outcome = presence or absence

Microbiological examination of foods for food safety and food quality?

  1. Enumeration = determine microbiological counts
  2. Making decimal dilutions
  3. Outcome = log CFU/ml or /g

Most Probable Number (MPN) technique?

  1. 3*1 gram, 3*0.1 gram, 3*0.01 gram
  2. Score positive results (code)
  3. Look code up in MPN table
  4. Outcome = ~CFU/g

Culturing media criteria?

  • Selectivity: inhibition of competing flora and growth of target organism
  • Specificity: ability to discriminate between target organism and others
  • Electivity: optimal colony characteristics

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