Reactions and reactors - Reactors - The continuous ideally stirred tank reactor (CISTR)

4 important questions on Reactions and reactors - Reactors - The continuous ideally stirred tank reactor (CISTR)

What is tau or the residence time?

The average time that the product will be in a vessel (s).

What is the advantage of using a continuously ideally stirred tank reactor (CISTR)?

No need for fast heating and cooling because only the incoming stream has to be heated and the outcoming stream has to be cooled.

What is the disadvantage of using a continuously ideally stirred tank reactor (CISTR)?

Less efficient in killing micro-organisms because not all parts will stay the same amount of time in the vessel.
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What happens when the same CISTR's are in series?

The reduction of micro-organisms will be more efficient by each same CISTR added. Up to the maximum reduction of a batch reactor.

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