Preservation by Cooling and Freezing - Freezing - Ways of freezing

4 important questions on Preservation by Cooling and Freezing - Freezing - Ways of freezing

What's air blast freezing?

It is an indirect contact system
used for packaged and not packaged solid products.

Products are placed in cabinets and a heat exchanger blows cold air in the room.
It is met for putting products of different shapes in ther.
Is not very fast.

What's the scraped surface heat exchanger?

Indirect contact freezer
It's for liquids that are not contained in a package.

The sureface is scraped so the liquid will not stick to it.

What is air blast freezing using a fluidized bed?

Direct  contact freezer
For unpackaged solid products

liquid gas is sprayed over the product so the heat is extracted from the product and the liquid gas can evaporate.
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What's freezing by immersion or spraying?

Direct contact freezers
For packaged and unpackaged foods

liquid gasses (nitrogen, carbion dioxide) is sprayed over a food product

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