Non-thermal ways to pasteurize or sterilise

4 important questions on Non-thermal ways to pasteurize or sterilise

What is bactofuge of milk?

heat milk till 55-60 degrees
centrifugate milk
sterilise milk with bacteria
Put it together and coll down.

How does high pressure processing work?

Put a product under a pressure of pressure of 2000-8000 bars.
Lipids and DNA become unstable and microorganisms become inactivated.
example: guacamole.
Only pasteurization not sterilization.

How does pulsed electric field (PEF) pasteurization work?

By creating very strong pulses of electric fields. The fluid and bacteria will be exposed to it and the membrane of the bacteria reacts to the potential difference and a hole is created. Because of this the microorganism becomes porous and becease of that inactivated.
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Where can you combine pulsed electric field (PEF) pasteurization combine with?

Antimicrobial components, this will give a better result.

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