Components of food that may cause adverse reactions - Allergenic proteins

17 important questions on Components of food that may cause adverse reactions - Allergenic proteins

Which food has the allergen source Glycine max?

Soy (soybean)

What is the family name soy and peanut both belong to?


Is an anaphylactic shock common in soy?

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Which dose of peanuts can already provoke symptoms? And which dose can cause systemic reaction?

100 ug of protein provokes symptoms, 5 mg can be sufficient to cause systemic reaction.

Mention some tree nuts:

  • Walnut
  • Chestnut
  • Hazelnut
  • Brazil nut
  • Cashew

What are the allergens in shrimp?

Tropomyosin, Pen a 1, Met e 1

Does cooking shrimp inactivate allergens?


Which allergen is present in molluscs (shellfish) like mussels and snails?


Is there cross-reactivity between fish, molluscs and crustaceans?


Which allergens are present in meat?

In beef and pork, serum albumins and gamma-globulins.

What is the prevalence of allergy against egg proteins in children?


Which allergens are present in egg?

  • Egg white; ovalbumin (64%) and ovomucoid (9%). Lysozyme (3.5%) is also a reported allergen (Gal d4).
  • Egg yolk: alpha-livetin (blood of hen)

Is ovalbumin heat stable?


What is the egg-bird syndrome?

An allergy to both chicken and egg, probably by the protein in egg yolk (alpha-livetin).

Are egg proteins heat stable?

Yes, as a consequence their allergenic nature is lost during cooking.
Ovomucoid is heat stable, a reaction will always occur.

The main proteins of milk can be split into 3 groups:

  • Caseins
  • Whey proteins
  • Serum proteins

Does heating milk reduce the allergenicity?

It reduces the allergenicity somewhat, but not remove its allergenic properties. Removal of allergenicity requires extensive hydrolysis.

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