Detection of harmful epitopes in foods - Detection tests

3 important questions on Detection of harmful epitopes in foods - Detection tests

What are polyclonal antibodies?

Raised in rabbits, chickens etc., by repeated injection of the allergen together with an immune stimulant (adjuvant). Animal process a set of antibodies (IgG type).

What is an advantage and a disadvantage of using polyclonal antibodies?

It has a high quality. However, the procedure has to be repeated over and over again, leading to variations.

Which 4 criteria are important fo antibodies? And why?

  • Specificity: prevention of cross-reactions
  • Affinity: binding of the antibody to the antigen. A high affinity allows very sensitive detection, low noise (lower amounts of antibody required) and more rapid analysis times.
  • Directed at stable epitopes: it is possible to develop antibodies against conformational epitopes, however it is advised to only use antibodies against linear epitopes in test kits. They can be used in raw materials, ingredients and in processed foods.
  • Relevance

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