Components of food that may cause adverse reactions - Food Dyes

25 important questions on Components of food that may cause adverse reactions - Food Dyes

How can food dyes be classified?

  • Synthetic dyes
  • Dyes from natural sources

How does an azo group look like?


If people respond to dyes, what symptoms do they get?

Asthma, rash or swelling
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How can colorants give rise to adverse reactions?

  • They themselves can
  • Contaminating residues could be responsible for the effect, since the colourant is extracted from a natural source

What is the function of sulphites in food?

  • They inhibit enzymes like polyphenol oxidase. This helps prevent enzymatic browning.
  • Inhibition of non-enzymatic browning. They react with the carbonyl intermediates or substrates for this reaction. --> potatoes, apples, white wines, vinegars
  • Antimicrobial actions --> white wine no acetic acid
  • Dough conditioning --> biscuits, frozen pizza dough
  • Antioxidant uses --> meat and beer
  • Bleaching actions --> pectins, fruit

Does washing or cooking affect the sulphite content?

No, it binds to several food components.

What are symptoms related to sulphite sensitivity?

Severe respiratory reactions, flushing, abdominal pain, nausea etc.

What are 3 theories on the mechanism of adverse reactions to sulphites?

  1. Inhalation of SO2 and bi-sulphite, also when swallowing. Causes bronchoconstriction in asthmatics.
  2. Immune response (IgE?). Sulphites can indue triggering of human mast cells and histamine release.
  3. Deficiency of sulphite oxidase that metabolises sulphite to sulphate, sulphate does not cause adverse reactions.

What kind of symptoms do adverse reactions to nitrate/nitrite give?

A headache

Where can nitrate/nitrite be found in?

Meat products, like salami and sausages. Also, some cheeses and smoked fish. Some plants accumulate nitrates: beets, celery, aubergine, lettuce, spinach.

What are the forms of benzoates used in food?

Benzoic acid (acid form)
Sodium benzoate (salt form)

In what foods are benzoates present?

  • Added to beverages, ice cream, margarine
  • Natural in tea, berries, spices and prunes

What symptoms do adverse reactions to benzoates give?

Asthma, headache, tissue swelling

In what food products are parabens used?

Coffee extracts, fruit juices, soft drinks, processed vegetables etc.

Do parabens occur naturally in food?


Can benzoates occur naturally in food?


What kind of fats are more sensitive to deterioration?

Unsaturated fats

In what kind of food products are BHA and BHT present?

In fat containing products. Breakfast cereals, snack foods, chewing gum and potato flakes. Also present in cooking oils, so in foods cooked in those oils.

What is the limit of BHA/BHT in food?

< 0.02% of total fat or oil content

What kind of adverse reactions do BHA/BHT give?

Liver and kidney effects at extremely high doses. Observed in the skin and result from exposure to creams containing BHA. Latex gloves that contained BHA. Respiratory problems are rare, some hyperactivity symptoms in children.

Are salicylates naturally occurring?

Yes, in plants, so they also occur in food.

By which molecule is the umami flavour caused?


In which foods are glutamates added?

Snacks, chips, soups, sauces, meats, salad dressings and Asian food

In which forms is glutamate present in food?

As free glutamate or as a protein bound form.

What is the 'Chinese restaurant syndrome'?

Caused by monosodium glutamate (MSG). Symptoms (headache, numbness at the back of the neck, radiating to both arms and the black, chest tightness, sweating, nausea) after dining in a Chinese restaurant.

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