Classifications, definitions and general causes of adverse reactions

5 important questions on Classifications, definitions and general causes of adverse reactions

What are symptoms of food aversion?

Nausea, sickness and gastrointestinal comfort. All symptoms are psychosomatic. Extreme manifestations are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

What is orthorexia nervosa?

An obsessive focus on specific foods, often marketed as super of healthy foods. By avoiding certain foods, a severe imbalance in the diet can occur.

What is the prevalence of food intolerances in children and adults?

Children --> 5-8%
Adults --> 1-2% (although 30% claims to have an intolerance)
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What is the prevalence of the enzymatic intolerance, lactase deficiency in different areas in the world?

Asia, Africa, Native American, Mediterranean --> 70-90%
Northern and Western Europe --> 10-15%

What is the allergen source of soy?

Glycine max

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