Classifications, definitions and general causes of adverse reactions - Non-toxic reactions

7 important questions on Classifications, definitions and general causes of adverse reactions - Non-toxic reactions

How can non-toxic reactions be divided?

Whether the immune system is involved
  • Allergy --> involved
  • Intolerance --> not involved

What is the difference between IgE mediated and non-IgE mediated allergies?

IgE mediated are more immediate and more severe, on the short-term

How can intolerance reactions be categorized?

  • Lack of a metabolic enzyme
  • Ingestion of high doses of foods that contain pharmacologically active substances like caffeine.
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What is the difference between the primary and secondary form of lactose intolerance?

  • Primary: the enzyme lactase is absent as a congenital characteristic
  • Secondary: the enzyme is reduced as a result of inflammation, there is damage of lactase producing cells

Both on the brush border cells of the small intestine.

What is the name of another enzyme deficiency related intolerance (not lactose)?


Mention some food components that can cause a pharmacological effect:

  • Caffeine --> coffee, Red Bull
  • Histamine, Tyramine --> vasoamines, in  mature cheeses (tyramine) and parmesan (histamine), salami
  • Capsaicin
  • Ethanol --> alcohol

Which symptoms can histamine give?

Abdominal cramping, flushing (blozen), headache and hypotension.

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