Why are some proteins more harmful than others?

5 important questions on Why are some proteins more harmful than others?

What is the difference between a major and minor allergen?

Major --> more than half of 10 allergic individuals responds to a specific protein

What is sequence homology?

The degree to which 2 different polypeptide chains can be aligned.

What is the difference between a motif and an epitope?

A motif is not a sequence but a generalised description of a sequence containing the required information for a sequence to be an allergen. This includes the length and the exact positions and identities of essential amino acids.
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What is a protein super family?

A collection of proteins from different sources with a shared functionality.

Which 3 major groups of plant allergen families are there?

  1. Prolamin
  2. Cupin
  3. Cysteine protease

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