Detection of harmful epitopes in foods - Qualitative tests

6 important questions on Detection of harmful epitopes in foods - Qualitative tests

Why is blocking important in Immunoblotting?

To prevent a-specific binding of antibodies.

Which enzyme is used to prepare enzyme-antibody conjugates in Immunoblotting?

Often peroxidase (PO) is used.

Mention 2 types of immunoblotting

  1. Spot blotting
  2. Diffusion or Western blotting
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What are 2 advantages of using Western blotting

  1. The technique allows positive identification of allergenic protein, if the band, stained in the immunoblot, corresponds to a known allergen
  2. In contrast to ELISA techniques, immunoblotting allows detection of all protein present, if they contain a linear epitope and if they are larger than 3000 Da.

Why are conformational epitopes difficult to detect in Western blotting?

The procedure usually results in conformational changes of proteins and small peptides sometimes have difficulty binding to the blotting membrane.

Explain the procedure of Western blotting:

  1. Load an separate protein samples on SDS-PAGE
  2. Electrophoretically transfer fractionated proteins onto PVDF membrane
  3. Block the membrane with neutral protein (BSA or milk casein)
  4. Incubate the membrane with primary antibody specific to target protein
  5. Incubate the membrane with HRP-labeled secondary antibody specific to primary antibody
  6. Incubate the blot with chemiluminescent HRP substrate and expose to film

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