Immunopathology of allergy - The allergic reaction

5 important questions on Immunopathology of allergy - The allergic reaction

What happens when an allergen intrudes the body?

The peptides/MHC-II complex will bind to the TCR on naïve T cells.

When can you call a person sensitised?

When the allergen-specific IgE antibodies are bound to the FCeRI on the mast cell

Allergic sensitisation can last for many months to years, but does not necessarily lead to an immediate clinical allergy response. T/F

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What is the 'challenge phase'?

When a sensitised individual experiences allergic symptoms during a subsequent exposure

What happens in the 'challenge phase'?

  • Subsequent exposure to the same allergen
  • Binding of the allergen protein to the mast cell-bound IgE
  • Multiple binding site on the protein, more IgE binds and cross-linked
  • Cross-link gives intracellular signal in the mast cell
  • Mast cell degranulates and release inflammatory mediators stored inside
  • Histamine released, causes vasodilatation (blood vessels wider) and triggering of nerve cells --> swollen eyes, itching sensations

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