Biochemical aspects - Keeping allergens out, Basics of allergens

11 important questions on Biochemical aspects - Keeping allergens out, Basics of allergens

How much money do allergies cost in NL per year in 2016?

2.2 billion

When can a protein become an allergen?

  1. It is considered foreign
  2. It is present in considerable amounts
  3. It is delivered during prolonged periods

Mention the 4 major plant allergen families

  1. Cupins: 7S and 11S-globulins
  2. Prolamins: LTP/2S-albumins
  3. PR-10
  4. Profilins
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Mention the 3 major animal allergen families

  1. Tropomyosins
  2. EF-hand parvalbumins
  3. Caseins

What is at the basis of the latex-fruit syndrome?


Can mass spectrometry measure the allergen structure of an allergen?


Does the basophil cell culture give a positive reaction when the allergenic protein only has 1 epitope?


What are advantages of IgE-based test?

  • Cheap
  • Easy
  • Cross-reactions determination possible

What are disadvantages of IgE-based test?

  • Too many false +/-
  • Very limited clinical relevance

What are disadvantages of DBPCFC?

  • Expensive
  • Burdensome
  • Not cross-reactivity determination yet

In which country is buckwheat labelled as an allergen?

Japan & South Korea

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