Immunological aspects - Allergy I, etiology

6 important questions on Immunological aspects - Allergy I, etiology

How thick is the mucosal layer in the large and small intestine?

Large intestine --> thick layer
Small intestine --> thinner layer

In which 3 ways are food components absorbed in the gut?

  1. Very small molecules --> completely digested (proteins, monosaccharides) taken up directly by epithelial cells, passes into mucosa, used for energy
  2. Dendritic cells --> There is a DC population that has an extension that squeezes between 2 epithelial cells, this extension of cytoplasm can directly sample food stuff from the gut lumen, not having to pass through epithelial cells
  3. Large complexes (aggregates) --> taken up by M cells, situated on top of Peyer's patches. M cell absorbs material, passes it to another DC that activates T and B cells --> start of immune response

What is the problem in the leaky gut syndrome?

Tight junctions between epithelial cells are not regulated properly
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Why is breast milk better?

Contains oligosaccharides that are important for growth. And has bifidobacteria.

Which Th cells are going down as first when you grow older?

Th1 cells

Describe the process of DC maturation

Tolerance is decreased and immunity is increased with maturation.

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