Practice exam - Immunology

12 important questions on Practice exam - Immunology

One recognition strategy used by the innate immune system is to detect conserved pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMP). Which of the following is an example of a well characterised innate immune system receptor ligand pair?
  • T-cell receptor and H1N1 influenza A peptide
  • TLR4 and lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
  • TLR2 and IL-4
  • TLR5 and IgG

  • T-cell receptor and H1N1 influenza A peptide
  • TLR4 and lipopolysaccharides (LPS)
  • TLR2 and IL-4
  • TLR5 and IgG

Which of the following is a signature cytokine of Th2 like lymphocytes?
  • IFN-gamma
  • TNF-gamma
  • IL-5
  • IL-10

  • IFN-gamma
  • TNF-gamma
  • IL-5
  • IL-10

Which of the following cytokines induces isotope switching in B cells to the production of IgE antibodies?
  • IL-4
  • IL-10
  • IL-17
  • IL-5

  • IL-4
  • IL-10
  • IL-17
  • IL-5
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Antigen presenting cells that activate helper T cells must express which one of the following on their surfaces?
  • IgE
  • Gamma interferon
  • Class I MHC antigen
  • Class II MHC antigen

  • IgE
  • Gamma interferon
  • Class I MHC antigen
  • Class II MHC antigen

Which of the following regarding the high affinity IgE receptor FceRI is true?
  • This receptor is expressed on neutrophils when they leave the blood stream
  • The receptor is present on basophils in the blood circulation
  • The receptor is present on those B cells that produce IgE antibodies
  • The receptor expression is induced on mast cells ONLY in the presence of the allergen

  • This receptor is expressed on neutrophils when they leave the blood stream
  • The receptor is present on basophils in the blood circulation
  • The receptor is present on those B cells that produce IgE antibodies
  • The receptor expression is induced on mast cells ONLY in the presence of the allergen

All of the following are released by mast cells at degranulation, except:
  • Histamine
  • Prostaglandins
  • IgE antibodies
  • Leukotrienes

  • Histamine
  • Prostaglandins
  • IgE antibodies
  • Leukotrienes

Eosinophilia in allergic target tissues is associated with:
  • Symptoms of an immediate IgE mediated allergy
  • Delayed type allergy (type IV)
  • Late phase reactions in IgE mediated allergy
  • Food allergy in the gut

  • Symptoms of an immediate IgE mediated allergy
  • Delayed type allergy (type IV)
  • Late phase reactions in IgE mediated allergy
  • Food allergy in the gut

Which of the following most accurately describes an epidemiologic feature of food allergy?
  • Allergy to fish/shellfish is more prevalent among children than among adults.
  • Nowadays, allergy to milk and egg seems to be more persistent than in past decades, with fewer children resolving these allergies by age 4 years.
  • Food allergy has NOT increased in children over the past three (3) decades.
  • Peanut allergy in children never resolves and is always persistent.

  • Allergy to fish/shellfish is more prevalent among children than among adults.
  • Nowadays, allergy to milk and egg seems to be more persistent than in past decades, with fewer children resolving these allergies by age 4 years.
  • Food allergy has NOT increased in children over the past three (3) decades.
  • Peanut allergy in children never resolves and is always persistent.

A 27-year old atopic man experienced mild oral allergy syndrome when eating raw apples but tolerates apple juice and baked apple. Which of the following is most likely to be true?
  • He has an increased IgE level that binds lipid transfer protein in apple
  • He has positive skin test results to commercial extract of apple
  • He has an increased IgE levels specific for the Bet v 1 allergen
  • The Maillard reaction during heating apple does NOT abrogate IgE binding for this person

  • He has an increased IgE level that binds lipid transfer protein in apple
  • He has positive skin test results to commercial extract of apple
  • He has an increased IgE levels specific for the Bet v 1 allergen
  • The Maillard reaction during heating apple does NOT abrogate IgE binding for this person

A child stung by a bee experiences respiratory distress within minutes and lapses into unconsciousness. This reaction is probably mediated by:
  • IgE antibody
  • IgG antibody
  • Sensitized T-cells
  • Complement

  • IgE antibody
  • IgG antibody
  • Sensitized T-cells
  • Complement

Which of the following methods of controlling exposure to cat allergen is out useful?
  • Keep the cat out of the bedroom
  • Dispose of the cat.
  • Wash the cat once a week.
  • Use high-efficiency particle filtration.

  • Keep the cat out of the bedroom
  • Dispose of the cat.
  • Wash the cat once a week.
  • Use high-efficiency particle filtration.

A child disturbs a wasp nest, is stung repeatedly, and goes into shock within minutes, manifesting respiratory failure and vascular collapse. This is MOST likely to be due to:
  • Systemic anaphylaxis
  • Advanced gut leakage
  • Coeliac disease reaction
  • Toxic reaction

  • Systemic anaphylaxis
  • Advanced gut leakage
  • Coeliac disease reaction
  • Toxic reaction

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