Biochemical aspects - Detection of allergens

17 important questions on Biochemical aspects - Detection of allergens

What is butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)?

An antioxidant

What is butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)?

An antioxidant

What are the ML and BML?

ML = Maximum Limit
BML = Benchmark Limit
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What is the source of omega 5 gliadin (Tri a 19)?


What are the sources of alpha amylase trypsin inhibitor?

Wheat and barley

What is the source of lipid transfer protein?


What is the source of monosodium glutamate?


What is the source of hydrolysed vegetable protein?


What is the source of conalbumin (albumin, Gal d 5)?

Egg white

What is the source of alpha, beta, gamma, kappa caseins (bos d 8)?

Cow's milk

What is the source of alpha-lactoglobulin (bos d 4)?

Whey proteins, cow's milk

What kind of derivative is soya flour?

Primary derivative

What kind of derivative is peanut oil?

Primary derivative

What kind of derivative is wheat starch?

Secondary derivative

What kind of derivative is soya concentrate?

Secondary derivative

What kind of derivative is modified starch?

Processed derivative

What is the Vital Grid?

The dose giving an allergic reaction in 1% of allergic population

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