Decision making framework & systems design
23 important questions on Decision making framework & systems design
What goal of food companies regarding Food safety?
- Moneterized risk of contamination
- Expected benefit of high quality image
What are task of the government regarding food safety?
- Task for public health
- By organising health care system
- By regulating food safety
What are 5 different decision making decision options for the government ?
- Expert: trusted expert
- Consensus: common position in group of stakeholders
- Political: representatives of political parties
- Benchmarking: decision base on outside models, such international regulation
- Empirical: base on fact-finding an analyses using parameters
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What are three methods for calculation of risk(monetary benefits)
- Cost minimisation analysis
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- Cost-utility analysis
What general characteristics of cost minimisation analysis?
- Known outcome (animal decease/ verdwijnen)
- Several programs with the same outcome
- Only monetary cost
- net costs:
- Program costs( K)
- Monetary benefits (^W)
- K-^W
When and how to use cost minimisation analysis ?
- Reach a mandatory maximum level of contamination
- eradicate a zoonosis (other animal desiease)
- Identify approaches
- Make sure that the approaches lead to desired result
- Calculate cost & 'side' benefits of approaches -> net costs
- Compare net costs and select
What are limitation of cost-minimisation analysis?
- All programmes need to reach same level (threshold)
- What if that threshold is not clear
- Cost or budget driven
What are the general characteristics of cost effectiveness analysis?
- Single non-monetary effect
- Usually sprees in chang in physical using such as:
- #days with illness
- All other effects expressed in monetary units
- Cost-effective ratios
- (K-^W)/^SE
- ^SE= effect of intervention
When and how to use cost effectiveness analysis ?
- one singel outcome effect
- Programmes have different levels of effectiveness
- Define pragrammes
- Evaluate effect of each individual program
- Define net cost
- Evaluate cost-effectiveness
- Rank various programmes
How do rank alternatives?
What are limitations of cost effectiveness analysis ?
- Only one outcome variable possible (only one type of contamination)
- What if factious programmes affect different contaminations
What are the general characteristics of cost utility analysis?
- Weighing various outcome
- Single combined measurement of non-monetary effects into one sling metric unit
- All other effects expressed in monetary units
- Cost - utility ratio
- Can use same rank metrics
What are limitations of cost utility analysis?
- You need to have a utility measurement
- What is the value of one "utility"
- Ranking is still difficult
- Social cost-benefit analysis (goal)
What is social cost benefit analysis ?
- All effects, both monetary and intangible, direct and indirect, are measure and expressed in cometary terms
- Underlying theoretical assumption
- Within a society, those who gain could compensate hose who lose by reallocation resources
- Evaluation: net value
What are general characteristics of social benefit analysis ?
- Moste complete quantitative approach
- Gold standard; cost-benefit using societal perspective
- Advantage: allows to compare all governmental programs
- Disadvantage: monetarization of all effects requires immense amounts of assumptions
What are limitations of individual WTP?
- Most commonly used methods do not adequately capture individual disutility from morbidity
- Willingness to pay reflects ability to pay, therefore, current income distribution
- There is significant disagreement combination of utility measure and their combination with other monetary valuation measures.
What is systems approach?
What are 2 systems approach loss?
- Positive approach -Looking back - time consuming/expensive
- Normative approach - forward - Model vs reality
How to study the economics of food safety?
What are the 6 steps in systems analysis ?
- Define systems and objectives , stakeholders/process in play
- Gather data
- Construct the model
- Validate the model
- Carry out sensitivity analysis
- Write down results
How to define a system ? 3 tegenstellingen
- Static vs dynamic
- Deterministic vs stochastic
- Optimisation vs simulation
Why validation in modelling ?
- Internal
- during model building
- logic of the model
- Assumptions vs knowledge
- External
- Model vs real system
What sensitivity analysis in modelling>
- Powerful option of models
- Effect of assumptions on outcome
- input for further (empirical research)
- Single effects
- Combined effect, interaction
- Controlled vs uncontrolled
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding