Explaining Bolshevik Victory - Weakness of Oppostion - Socialist cooperation with the Provisional Government

9 important questions on Explaining Bolshevik Victory - Weakness of Oppostion - Socialist cooperation with the Provisional Government

When did Liberals ask socialist politicians to form a coalition with them?

April 1917

Which Socialist parties did the Liberals ask to join a coalition with them?

  1. peasant-based Socialist Revolutionaries
  2. moderate Marxist workers' party Mensheviks

Why did Socialists parties agree to form a coalition with the Liberals?

  1. feared that to refuse would drive the middle classes into the hands of the Right; therefore causing counter-revolution or civil war
  2. Couldn't see an immediate end to the war
  3. Felt it irresponsible to leaver Russia without any coherent government
  4. Felt that their 'example' would be followed by the workers; meaning the way in which they were able to compromise with the Liberals would lead the workers to cooperate with managers and peasants with Landowners
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How had the Mensheviks and the SRs misjudged peasant moderation?

Peasant popular impatience was boiling over:
  1. Peasant's were exasperated by what they saw as prevarication and deliberate delay over land reform

How had the Mensheviks and the SRs misjudged proletariat moderation?

Workers were becoming desperate due to:
  1. accelerating inflation
  2. rising unemployment
  3. what they saw as deliberate lockouts and sabotage by managers

How had the Mensheviks and the SRs misjudged soldier moderation?

Soldiers were deeply suspicious of:
  1. renewed calls for military discipline

What policy of the moderate socialists completely lost them support of the soldiers?

June 1917: Renewed offensive against the Germans §

What was the political implication of the renewed German offensive in June 1917?

  1. It lost the moderate socialists their popularity in the army
  2. bound their fate indissolubly to that of their liberal partners

What were the military implications of the renewed German offensive in June 1917?

It was a military fiasco; Russian soldiers refused to obey officers

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