Freedom of religion and expression

8 important questions on Freedom of religion and expression

9 ECHR; internal aspect scope

CJEU Eweida and others §81

People have the freedom of thought, conscience and religion which also includes the right to change religious beliefs.
  • unconditional and absolute
    • states can only limit external expressions of thought, conscience and religion

this guarantees that a state may never interfere in the most intimate and inner sphere. It prohibits indoctrination and sanctions that come with this.

9 ECHR; external aspect scope

9 ECHR also protects a person's freedom to manifest his religion or beliefs.
  • this freedom does not refer to the freedom of expression
However, authorities have the competence to apply some objective, formal criteria to determine if these terms are applicable.
  • the concept of 'religion' and 'belief' need to be interpreted broadly
    • not every opinion, conviction or reverence is regarded as such
    • cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance -> CJEU Eweida §81
  • does not cover each act that is done out of religion or belief

Freedom of religion; interference

States have a positive and a negative obligation
  • negative -> stay out of the forum internum
  • positive -> guarantee that people can manifest and practice their beliefs/religion

Circumventing a limitation -> CJEU Eweida and others §83
  • there needs to be considered whether or not the restriction is proportionate 
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Freedom of religion; justification

Art. 9 ECHR jo. CJEU Eweida and others §80
  1. prescribed by law
  2. necessary in a democratic society
  3. legitimate aim 

Freedom of expression; the law

Art. 10 ECHR
art. 11 CFR

Freedom of expression; scope

Court has refused to give a definition of the terms 'information and ideas', but it is clear it offers a broad protection --> ECtHR Gough v. UK

However, this does not exclude the possibility that certain categories may not be covered by the protection or art. 10 ECHR
  • offensive/lewd/obscene speech may not be covered

There is a strong emphasis on the way the opinions and ideas are expressed
  • many ways are protected

Also the right to request information:
  1. purpose of the request
  2. nature of the information sought
    1. ready and available?
  3. role of the applicant

Freedom of expression; justification

  1. Prescribed by law
  2. necessary in a democratic society
    1. ECtHR Gough v. UK §167 e.v.
      1. prevent attacks/ offensive with a public interest/ etc.
  3. legitimate aim

Factors into play
  • public debate v. curiosity
  • public v. private person
  • public figure doctine
  • preventive v. Repressive measure
  • aim
  • nature of expression
  • modality
  • chilling effect

Horizontal effect ECHR; fair balance test

Court accepts positive obligations which needs to be sufficiently secured within the domestic legal order and there needs to be a fair balance.

Individuals interest is weighed against the governments interest.

ECtHR Eweida and others

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