Manage Phase: Managing Performance

7 important questions on Manage Phase: Managing Performance

Where do companies use KPI's for?

To measure their overall success or the success of a particular project.
Generally requires measurement of KPI's an assessment of the current business including the baseline norms and potential process improvement initiatives.

What isn't captured when a procurement organization measures only the raw cost of an item purchased?

It does not capture the true cost associated with compromises in quality, delivery, or failures.

What type of acceptance are

  • partial acceptance
  • Complete acceptance with conditions
  • Unconditional-complete acceptance
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What is impossible without clearly defined outcomes?

In that case it is difficult if not impossible to evaluate the success of the arrangement

How can buyers measure the quality of a transaction?

Benchmarking and auditing are two essential tools used by buyers to the quality of a transaction.

What are agenda items on regular meetings between buyer and seller?

  • is the contract going?
  • How are the payments going?
  • Are there disputes and are the as expected?
  • Are the profits or savings being realized?
  • Resolving complaints

What are sharing and learn lessons about?

  • Sharing and consolidation of experience Identify patterns
  • Repeat success, avoid failure
  • On-going reference source display personal and team expertise

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