Commercial - Choosing the best tool for the job

3 important questions on Commercial - Choosing the best tool for the job

Why is involvement from the business important when creating a contract?

The only way contract can effectively represent and support the desired relationship is if it is created with input from the business people involved.
The input from business professionals becomes critical and is often the difference between success and failure.  
inaccurate or incomplete requirements and scope are the most frequent sources of contracts failing.

On which three needs shoulds customers focus according to sellers?

  • Customers want to narrow their focus to the few things they do best and outsource the rest without the added overhead costs of supervising their suppliers.
  • Customers want their sellers to know their business well enough to create products and services they wouldn't have been able to design or create  themselves
  • Customers want evidence that their supplier has added value in excess of price.

Factors affecting suitability of partnering relationship

Factors affecting suitability of partnering relationship

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