Manage Phase: Transition to a New Contract - Understanding the contract

5 important questions on Manage Phase: Transition to a New Contract - Understanding the contract

What documents are included in a contract?

project plans, specifications, bid and proposal documents, letters of intent, software documentation, or standard terms and conditions.

Why is it helpful breaking up a contract in essential elements after the contract is determined?

This ensures that important information is not buried and overlooked.

Which four core elements contracts have?

  • What is the contract about (scope -->SoW)?
  • "Who does what according to the contract (roles and responsibilities)?
  • How do we know the contract is working (service levels, measurements, milestone)?
  • What happens if something happens or doesn't happen according to the contract (recourse, penalties)?
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When fails the essential purpose?

When ordinary business people are unable to understand a contract

What are (US) guidelines or principles for interpretation?

  • Ordinary meaning.
  • Terms of art.
  • Interpretation of the whole.
  • Manifest intent.
  • Specific over general
  • Construe against drafter.
  • Original language over forms'

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