Essential Elements of a Contract - Different types of agreement

13 important questions on Essential Elements of a Contract - Different types of agreement

Which common used agreements are related to a contract?

  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Preliminary agreement
  • Sale of goods only
  • Sale of services only
  • Sale of goods and services
  • Licenses
  • Leases

What is the first formal contract?

Non-disclosure agreements are the first formal contractual relationship between two parties and govern the protection of information that is shared and fall into two general types, unilateral and mutual. (Unilateral = protects the information of one party and obligations on the other. Mutual = protects the information of both parries and places the same obligations on each.)

What is the nature of such NDA and which questions do they consider to include?

nature and type of NDA should reflect the business needs and information sensitivities and not simply reflect the respective market of the parties or a "we always do this" attitude. They include:
  • What do we want/need to do with the information received?
  • "NX^ar do we need the recipient of the information to be able to do with it?
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What are preliminary agreements?

Preliminary agreements become as part of actions, written communications or phone calls may involved in preliminary discussions. legal obligations can take effect in pre-contract situations when the elements of a contract are present.

Which forms of preliminary agreements take place and from which moment?

Forms of preliminary agreements:

  • Oral discussions of agreements
  • Exchanges of information, marketing materials, product descriptions
  • Price estimates
  • Exchanges of letters, emails, text messages
  • Memorandums of Understanding/Letters of Intent

Mom:ent of preliminary agreements

From the time the initial customer contact is made until the moment a contract is signed by both parties

Which challenges occur as result of preliminary discussions?

  • There may be errors in the information povided.
  • The supplier might inadvertently make an offer, or the customer may think the supplier has made an offer
  • Either party may have no real intention of entering into a contract
  • The customer may insert an 'Entirety of Agreement' clause into the final contract

What is ment by the sales of goods only and which elements do the contain?

This contract invole only the purchase of tangible goods and contain three basic elements:
  • Define what is being bought
  • Specify a price and payment terms
  • Outline the delivery conditions

Which terms are used for international business?

Incoterms rules are known as International Commercial Term and are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce.  The are widley used in international commercial transactions.

What is ment by the sales of services only and what is the difficulty with this type of contracts?

Service'contiacts can take many shapes and cover a multitude of rvices trom office cleaning or website support to consultancy services or business process outsourcing.
The contract frequently represents the only tangible item that will be delivered and establishes procedures for the delivery of services.

Which elements should a contract define for  the sale of a service?

They should include:
  • Scope of the services/work to be provided
  • Trlow the service performance will be measured
  • How the relationship between the service provider and service recipient will be managed
  • Timescale for performance, including handling delays
  • What the charges are and how they are to be applied
  • How payment will be made, specifically if it is tied to milestones
  • Liability
  • Intellectual property rights, if any
  • Termination 

What is ment by the sale of goods and services?

A contract for services may include products and is done when a single supplier supplies products and services as a package offer for more diffentiation. This carries substantial responsibilities for performance, interoperability of components, and suitability for the customer's end use.
These arrangements go significantly beyond the scope of a product/services offer

What is ment by Leases?

This is a contractual arrangement for a user or lessee the use of some asset. It It is similar to a license in that there is no transfer of ownership to the user during the term of the lease.
A lease generally provides for regular payments throughout its term and has a specific end-date. Leases are often used as of financing, avoiding capital expenditure or for managing tax abilities.
it is essential to understand what happens when the lease ends.

What is the difference and similarity between the term lease and rent?

a lease tends to be for a longer period, with a specified end date, and may Lead to an eventual transfer of ownership.
Leases and agreements generally apply to tangible property, although there exceptions such as radio frequency

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