Manage Phase: Managing Changes and Disputes

6 important questions on Manage Phase: Managing Changes and Disputes

When do claims occur although good change control procedures are in place?

  • Procedures were not followed
  • A change was rejected
  • A supplier carries out unauthorized work'
  • The supplier raises an issue,
  • Either the customer or supplier loses trust
  • The project is moving towards a dispute.     

What are the 4 underpinning causes of a dispute?

  • Ill-will between the contracting parties
  • Miscommunication, including incomplete or misdirected communication
  • Changes in market conditions,
  • departure from agreed or reasonable processes, procedures or standard

How do parties handle disputes if the contract does not provide handeling?

The parties need to reach some consensus in relation to handling and resolution of disputes.
in case dispute handeling is provided within the contract, parties have to follow that proces before seeking resolution outside the contract.
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Which three step of escalation is followed in case of silence of the contract about disputes?

  1. Use management skills to resolve the dispute at the operational level
  2. ^Escalation to senior management or an outside source (mediator)
  3. Let the legal system resolve the dispute.
  4. --> The costs of the resolution process rise as it progresses through the process.

What provides the best opportunity for a cost effective solution?

Resolving issues at the operational level

Which steps are recognized within a dispute proces?

Negotiation, mediation Arbitration and litigation

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