Beyond the Written Word - Civil law versus common law

3 important questions on Beyond the Written Word - Civil law versus common law

Which countries are Civil law countries?

Continental Europe, Latin America, most of Africa and many Central European and Asian nations.

Where is the civil law system based on?

   Civil law systems are based upon legal principles and codes rooted in the laws and legal system of the Roman Empire.
   Updates to the legal co made through legislation or other formal process. 
Judges make rulings based only on the codes and statutes.
   Many view this process as more stable and representative than common law.

Where is the comn law system based on?

   Common law systems-are based primarily on past judicial opinions, are interpretations of legislation that is considered more as a guide than a literal requirement.
   Common law systems acquire their jaws over time and may be changed by the ruling of a single judge.
   Many consider this a more flexible and expeditious legal system than the civil law.

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