Negotiation Principles - Negotiation planning and strategy

8 important questions on Negotiation Principles - Negotiation planning and strategy

What is zero sum negotiation?

Frequently emotionally charged, personal, and combative and results in a common negative perception about negotiation in general.

Where is cooperative negotiation looking for?

interests, creating added value and establishing a transparent and trusting environment.

Where ends up the more successful negotiator?

He/she ends up with the bigger Piece of the Pie because this strategy focuses on using common interests for expanding the total pie, resulting in larger pieces for both parties. (no theoretical approach).
Negotiators   lost half of the potential value of transactions because they failed to explore partnership and create added value.
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Which elements (must haves) must be determined as part of negotiating planning?

These must haves may be corporate imperative, financial objective or regulatory requirements.

--> every negotiator must know and understand these elements.

When is it pointless to drive demands for negotiation?

In areas that are clearly outside the power of the negotiators to grant or discuss.
These terms are essentially non-negotiable and the size of the list varies, both by country and industry.

What is important to determine during Establishing goal and why?

Its important to determine fallbacks and who has the authority to to use them.
These  are important alternatives the standard or starting position that is being presented and are fundamental to negotiation being meaningful.
"(jood negotiators do view these as compromises or concessions; they understand that fallbacks are bargaining chips that they exchange for something that they value.
The negotiator must understand the potential connection between goals and their value relative to each other.

Why is it important that a team have consensus about time to walk away?

Otherwise the other party has no way of knowing whether the team is serious and will most likely keep pushing for additional concessions.

What is the next step after establishing goals and what is it about?

The next step is developing a strategy. This is a plan which specifies the choices a negotiator will make in every probable situation, intended to integrate goals, targets and actions into a cohesive whole.
      The substantive outcome at stake in the negotiation must be weighed against the longer-term relationship.
       following a strategy an organization has a unilateral approach, pursuing its own goals and focusing on the desired outcome. it is essential to consider the other party's interests or motivations, including their level of commitment, because the main foundation for negotiations is the extent to which there is mutual dependence.

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