Manage Phase: Transition to a New Contract - Culture and attitude

3 important questions on Manage Phase: Transition to a New Contract - Culture and attitude

Which drivers result in the selection of trading partners?

The drivers have typically more to do with prices, promises, history and senior connections than with cultural fit and organizational alignment.
Factors that are important in winning the contract are in general not the factors that are important in determining its outcome.

What characteristics influence a successful relationship?

  • The key staff from both parties involved with the negotiation participate in the implementation plan. Because of this a common and consistent view of the contract terms and obligations.
  • Both parties work to agree the measurements needed to support committed service levels and key performance indicators.
  • establish formal review procedures and escalation paths for problem resolution.
  • Establish a common interface for collection of performance data so that they are operating with a single version of performance data.

Which fundamental issues are frequently overlooked types of areas?

Good communications, avoiding blame, commitment to problem solving and appropriate levels of joint working.

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